PMT KB Article 16 – 019 - Guest Checkout - What is the guest checkout dashboard?
On the Guest Registration Link you can access numerous features including:
- Extension Requests
- Payment Tracking
- Payment Management
- Payment Instructions
- Payment Confirmations
- And Much More…
To access the guest registration dashboard simply click on the link provided to you by email.
Payment Status displays the current status of the payment
- Payment Details displays the payment amounts and reference ID for the transaction
- Add this payment to your Paymytuition account allows you to add the transaction to an existing account or register for a new one. You can also share the link with anyone of your choice by clicking the share button.
- Manage your payment allows you to manage your payment and includes the following features
- Editing existing payment details by clicking Edit payment details
- Adding number for SMS notifications by clicking SMS notifications
- Confirming the funds were sent by clicking Confirm funds were sent
- Requesting for extensions by clicking Give me another 48 hours
- Cancelling the transaction by clicking Cancel Payment
- Download and view payment instructions by clicking View Payment Instruction